NumXL is a suite of time series Excel add-ins. It transforms your Microsoft Excel application into a first-class time series software and econometrics tool, offering the kind of statistical accuracy offered by the leading statistical packages. NumXL integrates natively with Excel, adding scores of econometric functions, a rich set of shortcuts, and intuitive user interfaces to guide you through the entire process.
Mohamad EL-Bawab
Spider Financial

Aims and scope
Mathematical Classification
- ADF Test
- ARCH Effect test
- Augmented Dickey-Fuller
- Autocorrelation
- Autoregressive moving average
- Correlation function
- Excel Time Series Add-in
- Exponential GARCH
- Exponential Smoothing
- exponential-weighted correlation functions
- Exponential weighted-moving average
- GARCH in the mean
- Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedacity Models (ARCH/GARCH)
- Generalized Linear Model
- Log-likelihood function
- Normality test
- partial-autocorrelation functions
- Weighted-moving average
- White-noise test