MuPAD is a mathematical expert system for doing symbolic and exact algebraic computations as well as numerical calculations with almost arbitrary accuracy. For example, the number of significant digits can be chosen freely. Apart from a vast variety of mathematical libraries the system provides tools for high quality visualization of 2— and 3-dimensional objects.
On Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh and Linux systems, MuPAD offers a flexible notebook concept for creating mathematical documents combining texts, graphics, formulas, computations and mathematical visualizations and animations. On Microsoft Windows MuPAD further supports the technologies OLE, ActiveX Automation, DCOM, RTF and HTML. Thus it offers a natural integration in Office applications like Word or PowerPoint as well as others.

Aims and scope
Mathematical Classification
- algebraic field extensions
- algebraic structures
- arbitrary coefficient rings
- arbitrary precision
- atrices over arbitrary coefficient rings
- aymmetric groups
- Bell numbers
- binary trees
- canonical forms
- Carmichael function
- catalan numbers
- categories
- combinatorics
- compositions
- computer algebra
- Cornachia's algorithm
- Curtz polynomials
- data analysis
- determinants
- differential equations
- differential operators
- differentiation
- discriminants
- divergence
- eigenvalues
- eigenvectors
- elliptic curve method
- equations over abstract algebraic structures
- equation system solver
- equivalence testing
- Euler phi function
- factorization of Gaussian integers
- Fechner and Bravais-Pearson correlation
- fibonacci numbers
- finite fields
- floating point arithmetic
- Fourier transformation
- functional programming
- Gaussian elimination
- gradient
- graphs
- greatest common divisor
- Groebner bases
- Hermite polynomials
- Hessian matrices
- Hilbert matrices
- integrals
- integral transforms
- integration
- interpolation
- inverse of Euler phi function
- Jacobi polynomials
- Land-Doig algorithm
- least common multiple
- Legendre polynomials
- Legendre symbol
- limits
- linear algebra
- linear congruences
- linear optimization
- linear optimizations
- linear programming
- linear regression
- Lyndon words
- manipulating polynomials
- matrices
- matrix
- matrix factorization
- matrix groups
- matrix rank
- matrix rings
- minimal polynomial
- modular roots of polynomials
- modular square roots
- Moebius function
- multi-polynomial quadratic sieve
- multivariate polynomial rings
- non-linear regression
- number theory
- numeric computation
- ordered trees
- ordinary differential equations
- orthogonalization of vectors
- orthogonal polynomials
- partitions
- Pascal matrices
- permutations
- piecewise defined functions
- polynomial diophantine equations
- polynomial factorization
- polynomial rings
- polynomials
- power sets
- primitive roots
- product rings
- programming language
- quantile functions
- quotient fields
- random generators
- series expansions
- simplex algorithm
- simplification of symbolic expressions
- sparse representation
- square-free factorization of polynomials
- standard deviation
- statistical tests
- statistics
- Stirling numbers
- summation
- symbolic computations
- symbolic-numerical solving
- Toeplitz matrices
- visualization
- von Mangoldt's function
- Wiedemann's algorithm