ePiX, a collection of batch-oriented utilities for *nix, creates mathematically accurate line figures, plots, and movies using easy-to-learn syntax. LaTeX and dvips comprise the typographical rendering engine, while ImageMagick is used to create bitmapped images and animations. The user interface resembles that of LaTeX itself: You prepare a short scene description in a text editor, then compile’’ the input file into a picture. Default output formats are eepic (a plain text enhancement to the LaTeX picture environment), eps, pdf, png, and mng.
Andrew D. Hwang
officially approved by the authorsAims and scope
Mathematical Classification
- animation
- cartesian coordinates
- circles
- clipping
- color shading
- coordinate grids
- cropping
- cubic splines
- definite integrals
- derivatives
- drawing
- drawing solutions of differential equation systems
- ellipses
- Eucledian geometry
- figures
- fractals
- function plotting
- geometry
- graphics
- hyperbolic geometry
- hyperbolic planes
- ImageMagick
- Koch snowflake
- LaTeX
- line segments
- meshes
- non-Eucledian geometry
- orthogonalization
- planes
- plots
- Poincaré disk models
- points
- polar coordinates
- quadratic splines
- recursive fractal curves
- regular polyhedra
- Riemann sums
- shaded surfaces
- slope fields
- spheres
- spherical coordinates
- spherical geometry
- spherical plotting
- spherical triangles
- splines
- surfaces
- tangent lines
- vector fields
- vectors
- visualization