Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

21 Search Results


The primary goal of 3D-XplorMath is to allow users with little or no programming experience to see, with minimal effort, concrete visual representations of many different categories of mathematical objects and processes. To accomplish this, objects from each category are described internally by well-designed, parameterized data structures, and for each category a variety of rendering methods is provided to permit visualization of objects of the category in ways that are appropriate for various purposes. Each of the hundreds of built-in objects known to the program is assigned carefully chosen defaults so that, when the object is selected from a menu, the program can immediately construct a standard example of the object and render it in an optimized view. The user may then use various menus and dialogs to alter the parameters describing the shape and coloration of the object, change the viewpoint from which it is seen, select different rendering methods, etc. Moreover, as its name suggests, the program can display objects such as surfaces, space curves and polyhedra using various stereo techniques. In addition to the many built-in objects known to the program, a user can create "user-defined" objects by entering formulas using standard mathematical notation. Visualizations created by the program can be saved in jpeg and other graphic formats and the data defining 3D objects can be exported to other 3D programs (e.g., Bryce or POV-Ray) in formats such as .obj and .inc. Both built-in and user-defined objects can depend on parameters, and the program can create morphing animations by moving along a path in the parameter space, and these animations can then be saved as QuickTime movies. Each of the built-in objects has associated to it a so-called ATO (About This Object) file that provides documentation for the object. An early and more developed version of the program, written in Object Pascal, runs under the Macintosh Operating System and a Java-based cross-platform version is now also available.

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Axiom is a general purpose Computer Algebra system. It is useful for research and development of mathematical algorithms. It defines a strongly typed, mathematically correct type hierarchy. It has a programming language and a built-in compiler.

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Cinderella is a software system for doing geometry on a computer. The new version Cinderella.2 also includes physics simulations and algorithmic elements.

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ePiX, a collection of batch-oriented utilities for *nix, creates mathematically accurate line figures, plots, and movies using easy-to-learn syntax. LaTeX and dvips comprise the typographical rendering engine, while ImageMagick is used to create bitmapped images and animations. The user interface resembles that of LaTeX itself: You prepare a short scene description in a text editor, then compile'' the input file into a picture. Default output formats are eepic (a plain text enhancement to the LaTeX picture environment), eps, pdf, png, and mng.

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G+Smo (Geometry + Simulation Modules, pronounced "gismo") is a new open-source C++ library that brings together mathematical tools for geometric design and numerical simulation. It is developed mainly by researchers and PhD students. It implements the relatively new paradigm of isogeometric analysis, which suggests the use of a unified framework in the design and analysis pipeline. G+Smo is an object-oriented, cross-platform, template C++ library and follows the generic programming principle, with a focus on both efficiency and ease of use. The library is partitioned into smaller entities, called modules. Examples of available modules include the dimension-independent NURBS module, the data fitting and solid segmentation module, the PDE discretization module and the adaptive spline module, based on hierarchical splines of arbitrary dimension and polynomial degree. The library is licenced under the Mozilla Public License v2.0. It has been developed within the homonym research network supported by the Austrian Science Fund and aims at providing access to high quality, open-source software to the forming isogeometric numerical simulation community and beyond.

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GOBLIN Graph Library

A C++ class library including the whole bunch of standard algorithms in graph optimization and drawing. On top of this, a Tcl/Tk wrapper and a GUI for manipulating and editing of graphs.

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IBM SPSS Statistics

With IBM SPSS Statistics, you can get a quick look at your data, formulate hypotheses for additional testing, and then carry out a number of procedures to help clarify relationships between variables, create clusters, identify trends and make predictions.

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igraph is a collection of network analysis tools with the emphasis on efficiency, portability and ease of use. igraph is a free and open source software package for creating and manipulating undirected and directed graphs. It includes implementations for classic graph theory problems like minimum spanning trees and network flow, and also implements algorithms for some recent network analysis methods, like community structure search. The efficient implementation of igraph allows it to handle graphs with millions of vertices and edges. The rule of thumb is that if your graph fits into the physical memory then igraph can handle it. igraph can be programmed in R, Python and C/C++ by virtue of R/igraph, python-igraph and C/igraph, respectively. There is also a Mathematica interface IGraph/M written by Szabolcs Horvát.

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JMP provides a comprehensive set of statistical tools as well as design of experiments and statistical quality control in a single package. It allows for custom programming and script development via JSL, "JMP Scripting Language".

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JMulTi is an interactive software designed for univariate and multivariate time series analysis. It has a Java graphical user interface that uses an external engine for statistical computations. It has been designed for certain econometric procedures in time series analysis, especially some of them not available in other packages, like Impulse Response Analysis with bootstrapped confidence intervals for VAR/VEC modelling.

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KnotPlot is a program to visualize and manipulate knots in three and four dimensions. Knots can be loaded from a database of almost 1000 knots and links or sketched by hand in three dimensions. Also, knots may be constructed via the Conway notation or using a tangle calculator. A number of special knot types (torus knots, knot chains, Lissajous knots) may be created on the fly. Finally, new knots can be created from old knots using a number of transformations.

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MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran.

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NetworkX (NX) is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.

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Regina is a suite of mathematical software for 3-manifold topologists. It focuses upon the study of 3-manifold triangulations and includes support for normal surfaces and angle structures.

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Scilab Image Processing Toolbox

SIP provides image processing, pattern recognition, and computer vision routines for SciLab, a Matlab-like matrix-oriented programming environment. SIP is able to read/write images in almost 90 major formats, including JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, FITS, and TIFF. It includes routines for filtering, segmentation, edge detection, morphology, curvature, fractal dimension, distance transforms, multiscale skeletons, and more.

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SOFA - Statistics Open For All The user-friendly, open-source statistics, analysis, and reporting package.

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STATGRAPHICS Online is a statistical package that runs within a web browser. You can enter data directly into the data editor or read data from text files, Excel files, or other common formats. The calculations are performed remotely on a web server and the results returned to your browser as HTML with imbedded graphics images.

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STATISTICA provides a comprehensive array of data analysis, data management, data visualization, and data mining procedures. Its techniques include a wide selection of predictive modeling, clustering, classification, and exploratory techniques in one software platform.

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Surfer is a programme to visualize real algebraic surfaces in an intuitive and fast way

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XaoS is a fast, portable, real-time, and interactive fractal zoomer. It displays the Mandelbrot set (among other escape time fractals) and allows you zoom smoothly into the fractal. Various coloring modes are provided for both the points inside and outside the selected set. In addition, switching between Julia and Mandelbrot fractal types and on-the-fly plane switching is provided.

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Xeukleides is a frontend for editing and viewing figures described by the language Eukleides (which provides simple and powerful commands for creating elementary Euclidean geometry figures).

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