ePiX, a collection of batch-oriented utilities for *nix, creates mathematically accurate line figures, plots, and movies using easy-to-learn syntax. LaTeX and dvips comprise the typographical rendering engine, while ImageMagick is used to create bitmapped images and animations. The user interface resembles that of LaTeX itself: You prepare a short scene description in a text editor, then compile’’ the input file into a picture. Default output formats are eepic (a plain text enhancement to the LaTeX picture environment), eps, pdf, png, and mng.
Andrew D. Hwang

Aims and scope
Mathematical Classification
- animation
- cartesian coordinates
- circles
- clipping
- color shading
- coordinate grids
- cropping
- cubic splines
- definite integrals
- derivatives
- drawing
- drawing solutions of differential equation systems
- ellipses
- Eucledian geometry
- figures
- fractals
- function plotting
- geometry
- graphics
- hyperbolic geometry
- hyperbolic planes
- ImageMagick
- Koch snowflake
- LaTeX
- line segments
- meshes
- non-Eucledian geometry
- orthogonalization
- planes
- plots
- Poincaré disk models
- points
- polar coordinates
- quadratic splines
- recursive fractal curves
- regular polyhedra
- Riemann sums
- shaded surfaces
- slope fields
- spheres
- spherical coordinates
- spherical geometry
- spherical plotting
- spherical triangles
- splines
- surfaces
- tangent lines
- vector fields
- vectors
- visualization