Axiom is a general purpose Computer Algebra system. It is useful for
research and development of mathematical algorithms. It defines a
strongly typed, mathematically correct type hierarchy. It has a
programming language and a built-in compiler.
Tim Daly, et al.
Axiom is Open Source. Please visit

Aims and scope
Mathematical Classification
- Abelian group
- algebraic curves
- algorithms
- basic arithmetic
- cartesian tensor
- coefficients of power series
- complex numbers
- computer algebra
- conversion operations for finite fields
- cyclic group representations
- derivatives
- development of algorithms
- differential equations
- drawing complex functions
- drawing complex vector fields
- fields
- finite field coefficients
- finite field homomorphisms
- finite fields
- flexible arrays
- graphics
- Groebner factorization
- hash tables
- integration
- interactive programming
- Laplace transforms
- Lie exponentials
- Lie polynomials
- limits
- linear equation system solver
- lists
- magma
- mathematical structures
- matrices
- matrix
- modular arithmetic
- monoid
- mutual recursion
- Newton iteration formulas
- non-associative algebras
- normal basis representations
- numerical integration
- numerical linear algebra
- numeric computation
- numeric functions
- plane curves
- plotting
- pocket calculator
- polymorphic algorithms
- polynomial coefficients
- polynomial equation system solver
- polynomial factorization
- polynomials
- power series
- power series arithmetic
- power series from formulas
- power series functions
- primary decomposition of ideals
- prime fields
- series
- single polynomial equation solver
- space curves
- symbolic algebra
- symbolic calculator
- symbolic computations
- symbolic manipulation of group representations
- symbolic manipulations
- symbolic-numerical solving
- trees