Scilab Image Processing Toolbox
SIP provides image processing, pattern recognition, and computer vision routines for SciLab, a Matlab-like matrix-oriented programming environment. SIP is able to read/write images in almost 90 major formats, including JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, FITS, and TIFF. It includes routines for filtering, segmentation, edge detection, morphology, curvature, fractal dimension, distance transforms, multiscale skeletons, and more.
Ricardo Fabbri

Aims and scope
Mathematical Classification
- 2D convolution
- blurring
- connected component labeling
- curvature
- curves
- digital image processing
- distance transforms
- draw primitives
- edge detection
- equalization
- euclidean morphological dilation of binary images
- filtering
- fractal dimension
- fractals
- gamma correction
- gaussian smoothing
- gradient direction of edges
- graphics
- image manipulation
- image processing
- images
- interlacing
- mathematical morphology
- median filter
- multiscale skeletons
- negate
- noise generation
- noise removal
- pi filter for phased images
- segmentation
- solarization
- spreading
- surfaces
- thresholding
- visualization