Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

13 Search Results


The primary goal of 3D-XplorMath is to allow users with little or no programming experience to see, with minimal effort, concrete visual representations of many different categories of mathematical objects and processes. To accomplish this, objects from each category are described internally by well-designed, parameterized data structures, and for each category a variety of rendering methods is provided to permit visualization of objects of the category in ways that are appropriate for various purposes. Each of the hundreds of built-in objects known to the program is assigned carefully chosen defaults so that, when the object is selected from a menu, the program can immediately construct a standard example of the object and render it in an optimized view. The user may then use various menus and dialogs to alter the parameters describing the shape and coloration of the object, change the viewpoint from which it is seen, select different rendering methods, etc. Moreover, as its name suggests, the program can display objects such as surfaces, space curves and polyhedra using various stereo techniques. In addition to the many built-in objects known to the program, a user can create "user-defined" objects by entering formulas using standard mathematical notation. Visualizations created by the program can be saved in jpeg and other graphic formats and the data defining 3D objects can be exported to other 3D programs (e.g., Bryce or POV-Ray) in formats such as .obj and .inc. Both built-in and user-defined objects can depend on parameters, and the program can create morphing animations by moving along a path in the parameter space, and these animations can then be saved as QuickTime movies. Each of the built-in objects has associated to it a so-called ATO (About This Object) file that provides documentation for the object. An early and more developed version of the program, written in Object Pascal, runs under the Macintosh Operating System and a Java-based cross-platform version is now also available.

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CASA is a special-purpose system for computational algebra and constructive algebraic geometry. The system has been developed since 1990. CASA is the ongoing product of the Computer Algebra Group at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC-Linz), the University of Linz, Austria, under the direction of Prof. Winkler. The system is built on the kernel of the widely used computer algebra system Maple.

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Fast Artificial Neural Network Library

Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a neural network library that implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. PHP, C++, .NET, Python, Delphi, Octave, Ruby, Pure Data, and Mathematica bindings are available. A reference manual accompanies the library with examples and recommendations on how to use the library. A graphical user interface is also available for the library.

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Kenzo is a program for effective algebraic topology

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KnotPlot is a program to visualize and manipulate knots in three and four dimensions. Knots can be loaded from a database of almost 1000 knots and links or sketched by hand in three dimensions. Also, knots may be constructed via the Conway notation or using a tangle calculator. A number of special knot types (torus knots, knot chains, Lissajous knots) may be created on the fly. Finally, new knots can be created from old knots using a number of transformations.

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Magma is a large, well-supported software package designed to solve computationally hard problems in algebra, number theory, geometry and combinatorics. It provides a mathematically rigorous environment for computing with algebraic, number-theoretic, combinatoric and geometric objects.

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polymake is an object-oriented system for experimental discrete mathematics. The typical working cycle of a polymake user starts with the construction of an object of interest, auch as a convex polytope, a finite simplicial complex, a graph, etc. It is then possible to ask the system for some of the object's properties or for some form of visualization. Further steps might include more elaborate constructions based on previously defined objects. Each class of polymake objects comes with a set of rules which describe how a new property of an object can be derived from previously known ones. It is a key feature that the user can extend or modify the set of rules, add further properties or even new classes of objects (with entirely new rule bases). The functions provided include: several convex hull algorithms, face lattices of convex polytopes, Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay decompositions (in arbitrary dimensions), simplicial homology (with integer coefficients), simplicial cup and cap products, intersection forms of triangulated 4-manifolds. Several forms of (interactive) visualization via interfaces to Geomview, JavaView and other programs.

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Regina is a suite of mathematical software for 3-manifold topologists. It focuses upon the study of 3-manifold triangulations and includes support for normal surfaces and angle structures.

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SAGE is a framework for number theory, algebra, and geometry computation. It is open source and freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). SAGE is a Python library with a customized interpreter. It is written in Python, C++, and C (via Pyrex). Python (http://www.python.org) is an open source object-oriented interpreted language, with a large number of libraries, e.g., for numerical analysis, which are available to users of SAGE. Python can also be accessed in library mode from C/C++ programs. SAGE provides an interface to several important open source libraries, including Cremona’s MWRANK library for computing with elliptic curves, the PARI library (pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr) for number theory, Shoup’s number theory library NTL (http://www.shoup.net/ntl/), SINGULAR (http://www.singular.uni-kl.de) for commutative algebra, GAP (http://www.gap-system.org) for group theory and combinatorics, and maxima (http://maxima.sourceforge.net) for symbolic computation and calculus.

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An online Java applet for calculation of singular algebraic surfaces.

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Steenrod is a Maple package for doing computations in the mod 2 Steenrod algebra. It computes the product and coproduct of elements, converts between various bases, computes the action of the elements on polynomials, and does several other specialized calculations related to the mod 2 Steenrod algebra.

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SYNAPS (Symbolic and Numeric APplicationS) is a library developed in C++. The aim of this open source project is to provide a coherent and efficient library for symbolic and numeric computation. It implements data-structures and classes for the manipulation of basic objects, such as (dense, sparse, structured) vectors, matrices, univariate and multivariate polynomials. It also provides fundamental methods such as algebraic number manipulation tools, different types of univariate and multivariate polynomial root solvers, resultant computations, ...

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XaoS is a fast, portable, real-time, and interactive fractal zoomer. It displays the Mandelbrot set (among other escape time fractals) and allows you zoom smoothly into the fractal. Various coloring modes are provided for both the points inside and outside the selected set. In addition, switching between Julia and Mandelbrot fractal types and on-the-fly plane switching is provided.

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