Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

8 Search Results


The primary goal of 3D-XplorMath is to allow users with little or no programming experience to see, with minimal effort, concrete visual representations of many different categories of mathematical objects and processes. To accomplish this, objects from each category are described internally by well-designed, parameterized data structures, and for each category a variety of rendering methods is provided to permit visualization of objects of the category in ways that are appropriate for various purposes. Each of the hundreds of built-in objects known to the program is assigned carefully chosen defaults so that, when the object is selected from a menu, the program can immediately construct a standard example of the object and render it in an optimized view. The user may then use various menus and dialogs to alter the parameters describing the shape and coloration of the object, change the viewpoint from which it is seen, select different rendering methods, etc. Moreover, as its name suggests, the program can display objects such as surfaces, space curves and polyhedra using various stereo techniques. In addition to the many built-in objects known to the program, a user can create "user-defined" objects by entering formulas using standard mathematical notation. Visualizations created by the program can be saved in jpeg and other graphic formats and the data defining 3D objects can be exported to other 3D programs (e.g., Bryce or POV-Ray) in formats such as .obj and .inc. Both built-in and user-defined objects can depend on parameters, and the program can create morphing animations by moving along a path in the parameter space, and these animations can then be saved as QuickTime movies. Each of the built-in objects has associated to it a so-called ATO (About This Object) file that provides documentation for the object. An early and more developed version of the program, written in Object Pascal, runs under the Macintosh Operating System and a Java-based cross-platform version is now also available.

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HiFlow³ is a multi-purpose finite element software providing powerful tools for efficient and accurate solution of a wide range of problems modeled by partial differential equations. Based on object-oriented concepts and the full capabilities of C++ the HiFlow³ project follows a modular and generic approach for building efficient parallel numerical solvers. It provides highly capable modules dealing with the mesh setup, finite element spaces, degrees of freedom, linear algebra routines, numerical solvers, and output data for visualization. Parallelism – as the basis for high performance simulations on modern computing systems – is introduced on two levels: coarse-grained parallelism by means of distributed grids and distributed data structures, and fine-grained parallelism by means of platform-optimized linear algebra back-ends.

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LinBox is a C++ template library for exact, high-performance linear algebra computation with dense, sparse, and structured matrices over the integers and over finite fields. LinBox has the following top-level functions: solve linear system, matrix rank, determinant, minimal polynomial, characteristic polynomial, Smith normal form and trace. A good collection of finite field and ring implementations is provided, for use with numerous black box matrix storage schemes.

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Maple is an environment for scientific and engineering problem-solving, mathematical exploration, data visualization and technical authoring.

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Normaliz is a tool for computations in affine monoids, vector configurations, lattice polytopes, and rational cones. Its input data can be specified in terms of a system of generators or vertices or a system of linear homogeneous Diophantine equations, inequalities and congruences or a binomial ideal. Normaliz computes the dual cone of a rational cone (in other words, given generators, Normaliz computes the defining hyperplanes, and vice versa), a placing (or lexicographic) triangulation of a vector configuration (resulting in a triangulation of the cone generated by it), the Hilbert basis of a rational cone, the lattice points of a lattice polytope, the normalization of an affine monoid, the Hilbert (or Ehrhart) series and the Hilbert (or Ehrhart) (quasi) polynomial under a Z-grading (for example, for rational polytopes), NEW: generalized (or weighted) Ehrhart series and Lebesgue integrals of polynomials over rational polytopes via NmzIntegrate, a description of the cone and lattice under consideration by a system of inequalities, equations and congruences

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PLTMG is a package for solving elliptic partial differential equations in general regions of the plane. It is based on continuous piecewise linear triangular finite elements, and features adaptive local mesh refinement, multigraph iteration, and pseudo-arclength continuation options for parameter dependencies. It also provides options for solving several classes of optimal control and obstacle problems. The package includes an initial mesh generator and several graphics packages. Support for the Bank-Holst parallel adaptive meshing strategy is also provided. PLTMG is provided as Fortran (and a little C) source code, in both single and double precision versions. The code has interfaces to X-Windows, MPI, and Michael Holst's OpenGL image viewer SG. The X-Windows, MPI, and SG interfaces require libraries that are NOT provided as part of the PLTMG package.

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The rbMIT © MIT software package implements in Matlab® all the general reduced basis algorithms. The rbMIT © MIT software package is intended to serve both (as Matlab® source) "Developers" — numerical analysts and computational tool-builders — who wish to further develop the methodology, and (as Matlab® "executables") "Users" — computational engineers and educators — who wish to rapidly apply the methodology to new applications. The rbMIT software package was awarded with the Springer Computational Science and Engineering Prize in 2009.

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SYNAPS (Symbolic and Numeric APplicationS) is a library developed in C++. The aim of this open source project is to provide a coherent and efficient library for symbolic and numeric computation. It implements data-structures and classes for the manipulation of basic objects, such as (dense, sparse, structured) vectors, matrices, univariate and multivariate polynomials. It also provides fundamental methods such as algebraic number manipulation tools, different types of univariate and multivariate polynomial root solvers, resultant computations, ...

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