Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

10 Search Results


The package ADOL-C facilitates the evaluation of first and higher derivatives of vector functions that are defined by computer programs written in C or C++. The resulting derivative evaluation routines may be called from C/C++, Fortran, or any other language that can be linked with C. The numerical values of derivative vectors are obtained free of truncation errors at a small multiple of the run time and randomly accessed memory of the given function evaluation program.

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CASA is a special-purpose system for computational algebra and constructive algebraic geometry. The system has been developed since 1990. CASA is the ongoing product of the Computer Algebra Group at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC-Linz), the University of Linz, Austria, under the direction of Prof. Winkler. The system is built on the kernel of the widely used computer algebra system Maple.

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CoCoA is a system for Computations in Commutative Algebra. It is able to perform simple and sophisticated operations on multivaraiate polynomials and on various data related to them (ideals, modules, matrices, rational functions). For example, it can readily compute Grobner bases, syzygies and minimal free resolution, intersection, division, the radical of an ideal, the ideal of zero-dimensional schemes, Poincare' series and Hilbert functions, factorization of polynomials, toric ideals. The capabilities of CoCoA and the flexibility of its use are further enhanced by the dedicated high-level programming language. For convenience, the system offers a textual interface, an Emacs mode, and a graphical user interface common to most platforms.

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GELDA is a Fortran77 software package for the numerical integration of general linear differential-algebraic equations (DAE) with variable coefficients of arbitrary index. The implementation of GELDA is based on the construction of the discretization scheme, which first determines all the local invariants and then transforms the linear DAE into an equivalent strangeness-free DAE with the same solution set. The resulting strangeness-free system is allowed to have nonuniqueness in the solution set or inconsistency in the initial values or inhomogeneities. In the case that the DAE is found to be uniquely solvable, GELDA is able to compute a consistent initial value and apply the well-known integration schemes for DAEs. In GELDA the BDF methods and Runge-Kutta schemes are implemented.

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GOBLIN Graph Library

A C++ class library including the whole bunch of standard algorithms in graph optimization and drawing. On top of this, a Tcl/Tk wrapper and a GUI for manipulating and editing of graphs.

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ISAAC (Integrated Solution Algorithm for Arbitrary Configurations) is a compressible Euler/Navier-Stokes computational fluid dynamics code. ISAAC includes the capability of calculating the Euler equations for inviscid flow or the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous flows. ISAAC uses a domain decomposition structure to accomodate complex physical configurations. ISAAC can calculate either steady-state or time dependent flow. ISAAC was designed to test turbulence models. Various two equation turbulence models, explicit algebraic Reynolds stress models, and full differential Reynolds stress models are implemented in ISAAC. Several test cases are documented in the User's Guide.

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PLTMG is a package for solving elliptic partial differential equations in general regions of the plane. It is based on continuous piecewise linear triangular finite elements, and features adaptive local mesh refinement, multigraph iteration, and pseudo-arclength continuation options for parameter dependencies. It also provides options for solving several classes of optimal control and obstacle problems. The package includes an initial mesh generator and several graphics packages. Support for the Bank-Holst parallel adaptive meshing strategy is also provided. PLTMG is provided as Fortran (and a little C) source code, in both single and double precision versions. The code has interfaces to X-Windows, MPI, and Michael Holst's OpenGL image viewer SG. The X-Windows, MPI, and SG interfaces require libraries that are NOT provided as part of the PLTMG package.

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The core of PolyBoRi is a C++ library, which provides high-level data types for Boolean polynomials and monomials, exponent vectors, as well as for the underlying polynomial rings and subsets of the powerset of the Boolean variables. As a unique approach, binary decision diagrams are used as internal storage type for polynomial structures. On top of this C++-library we provide a Python interface. This allows parsing of complex polynomial systems, as well as sophisticated and extendable strategies for Gröbner base computation. PolyBoRi features a powerful reference implementation for Gröbner basis computation.

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An online Java applet for calculation of singular algebraic surfaces.

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SYNAPS (Symbolic and Numeric APplicationS) is a library developed in C++. The aim of this open source project is to provide a coherent and efficient library for symbolic and numeric computation. It implements data-structures and classes for the manipulation of basic objects, such as (dense, sparse, structured) vectors, matrices, univariate and multivariate polynomials. It also provides fundamental methods such as algebraic number manipulation tools, different types of univariate and multivariate polynomial root solvers, resultant computations, ...

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