Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

8 Search Results


Fermat is a super calculator - computer algebra system, in which the basic items being computed can be rational numbers, modular numbers, elements of finite fields, multivariable polynomials, multivariable rational functions, or multivariable polynomials modulo other polynomials. Fermat is available for Mac OS, Windows, Unix, and Linux. It is shareware. The basic “ground ring" F is the field of rational numbers. One may choose to work modulo a specified integer n, thereby changing the ground ring F from Q to Z/n. On top of this may be attached any number of unevaluated variables t_1, t_2, .. t_n., thereby creating the polynomial ring F[t_1, t_2, .. t_n] and its quotient field, the rational functions. Further, polynomials p, q, .. can be chosen to mod out with, creating the quotient ring F(t_1, t_2, ..)/[p, q, ...]. It is possible to allow Laurent polynomials. Once the computational ring is established in this way, all computations are of elements of this ring.

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ILOG CPLEX is an environment for optimization problems. ILOG CPLEX algorithms can be accessed from the CPLEX Component Libraries as well as the CPLEX Interactive Optimizer, an easy-to-use interactive program. CPLEX provides all the basic features and utilities for using these solvers: sophisticated problem preprocessing; file reading and writing utilities; reporting; messaging control; interactive revision capability; efficient restart from an advanced basis; sensitivity analysis; and an infeasibility finder.

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NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for manipulating signed, arbitrary length integers, and for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite fields.

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The core of PolyBoRi is a C++ library, which provides high-level data types for Boolean polynomials and monomials, exponent vectors, as well as for the underlying polynomial rings and subsets of the powerset of the Boolean variables. As a unique approach, binary decision diagrams are used as internal storage type for polynomial structures. On top of this C++-library we provide a Python interface. This allows parsing of complex polynomial systems, as well as sophisticated and extendable strategies for Gröbner base computation. PolyBoRi features a powerful reference implementation for Gröbner basis computation.

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polymake is an object-oriented system for experimental discrete mathematics. The typical working cycle of a polymake user starts with the construction of an object of interest, auch as a convex polytope, a finite simplicial complex, a graph, etc. It is then possible to ask the system for some of the object's properties or for some form of visualization. Further steps might include more elaborate constructions based on previously defined objects. Each class of polymake objects comes with a set of rules which describe how a new property of an object can be derived from previously known ones. It is a key feature that the user can extend or modify the set of rules, add further properties or even new classes of objects (with entirely new rule bases). The functions provided include: several convex hull algorithms, face lattices of convex polytopes, Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay decompositions (in arbitrary dimensions), simplicial homology (with integer coefficients), simplicial cup and cap products, intersection forms of triangulated 4-manifolds. Several forms of (interactive) visualization via interfaces to Geomview, JavaView and other programs.

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The rbMIT © MIT software package implements in Matlab® all the general reduced basis algorithms. The rbMIT © MIT software package is intended to serve both (as Matlab® source) "Developers" — numerical analysts and computational tool-builders — who wish to further develop the methodology, and (as Matlab® "executables") "Users" — computational engineers and educators — who wish to rapidly apply the methodology to new applications. The rbMIT software package was awarded with the Springer Computational Science and Engineering Prize in 2009.

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RCWA is a package for the computer algebra system GAP. It provides implementations of algorithms and methods for computing in certain infinite permutation groups. The class of groups which RCWA in principle can deal with includes the finite groups, the free groups of finite rank, the free products of finitely many finite groups, certain infinite simple groups, certain divisible torsion groups and groups of many further types. It is closed under taking direct products and under taking wreath products with finite groups and with the infinite cyclic group (Z,+).

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Risa/Asir is a general computer algebra system and also a tool for various computation in mathematics and engineering. The development of Risa/Asir started in 1989 at FUJITSU. Binaries have been freely available since 1994 and now the source code is also free. Currently Kobe distribution is the most active branch of its development. We characterize Risa/Asir as follows: (1) An environment for large scale and efficient polynomial computation. (2) A platform for parallel and distributed computation based on OpenXM protocols.

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