Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

4 Search Results

GOBLIN Graph Library

A C++ class library including the whole bunch of standard algorithms in graph optimization and drawing. On top of this, a Tcl/Tk wrapper and a GUI for manipulating and editing of graphs.

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HiFlow³ is a multi-purpose finite element software providing powerful tools for efficient and accurate solution of a wide range of problems modeled by partial differential equations. Based on object-oriented concepts and the full capabilities of C++ the HiFlow³ project follows a modular and generic approach for building efficient parallel numerical solvers. It provides highly capable modules dealing with the mesh setup, finite element spaces, degrees of freedom, linear algebra routines, numerical solvers, and output data for visualization. Parallelism – as the basis for high performance simulations on modern computing systems – is introduced on two levels: coarse-grained parallelism by means of distributed grids and distributed data structures, and fine-grained parallelism by means of platform-optimized linear algebra back-ends.

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igraph is a collection of network analysis tools with the emphasis on efficiency, portability and ease of use. igraph is a free and open source software package for creating and manipulating undirected and directed graphs. It includes implementations for classic graph theory problems like minimum spanning trees and network flow, and also implements algorithms for some recent network analysis methods, like community structure search. The efficient implementation of igraph allows it to handle graphs with millions of vertices and edges. The rule of thumb is that if your graph fits into the physical memory then igraph can handle it. igraph can be programmed in R, Python and C/C++ by virtue of R/igraph, python-igraph and C/igraph, respectively. There is also a Mathematica interface IGraph/M written by Szabolcs Horvát.

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ILOG CPLEX is an environment for optimization problems. ILOG CPLEX algorithms can be accessed from the CPLEX Component Libraries as well as the CPLEX Interactive Optimizer, an easy-to-use interactive program. CPLEX provides all the basic features and utilities for using these solvers: sophisticated problem preprocessing; file reading and writing utilities; reporting; messaging control; interactive revision capability; efficient restart from an advanced basis; sensitivity analysis; and an infeasibility finder.

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