Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

4 Search Results


The program cdd+ is a C++ implementation of the Double Description Method of Motzkin et al. for generating all vertices (i.e. extreme points) and extreme rays of a general convex polyhedron in R^d given by a system of linear inequalities.

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CGAL is a collaborative effort of several sites in Europe and Israel. The goal is to make the most important of the solutions and methods developed in computational geometry available to users in industry and academia in a C++ library. The goal is to provide easy access to useful, reliable geometric algorithms The CGAL library contains: the Kernel with geometric primitives such as points, vectors, lines, predicates for testing things such as relative positions of points, and operations such as intersections and distance calculation, the Basic Library which is a collection of standard data structures and geometric algorithms, such as convex hull in 2D/3D, (Delaunay) triangulation in 2D/3D, planar map, polyhedron, smallest enclosing circle, and multidimensional query structures, the Support Library which offers interfaces to other packages, e.g., for visualisation, and I/O, and other support facilities.

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Fermat is a super calculator - computer algebra system, in which the basic items being computed can be rational numbers, modular numbers, elements of finite fields, multivariable polynomials, multivariable rational functions, or multivariable polynomials modulo other polynomials. Fermat is available for Mac OS, Windows, Unix, and Linux. It is shareware. The basic “ground ring" F is the field of rational numbers. One may choose to work modulo a specified integer n, thereby changing the ground ring F from Q to Z/n. On top of this may be attached any number of unevaluated variables t_1, t_2, .. t_n., thereby creating the polynomial ring F[t_1, t_2, .. t_n] and its quotient field, the rational functions. Further, polynomials p, q, .. can be chosen to mod out with, creating the quotient ring F(t_1, t_2, ..)/[p, q, ...]. It is possible to allow Laurent polynomials. Once the computational ring is established in this way, all computations are of elements of this ring.

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Normaliz is a tool for computations in affine monoids, vector configurations, lattice polytopes, and rational cones. Its input data can be specified in terms of a system of generators or vertices or a system of linear homogeneous Diophantine equations, inequalities and congruences or a binomial ideal. Normaliz computes the dual cone of a rational cone (in other words, given generators, Normaliz computes the defining hyperplanes, and vice versa), a placing (or lexicographic) triangulation of a vector configuration (resulting in a triangulation of the cone generated by it), the Hilbert basis of a rational cone, the lattice points of a lattice polytope, the normalization of an affine monoid, the Hilbert (or Ehrhart) series and the Hilbert (or Ehrhart) (quasi) polynomial under a Z-grading (for example, for rational polytopes), NEW: generalized (or weighted) Ehrhart series and Lebesgue integrals of polynomials over rational polytopes via NmzIntegrate, a description of the cone and lattice under consideration by a system of inequalities, equations and congruences

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