Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

4 Search Results


Mathomatic is a free, portable, general-purpose CAS (Computer Algebra System) and calculator software that can symbolically solve, simplify, combine, and compare equations, perform complex number and polynomial arithmetic, etc. It does some calculus and is very easy to use.

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MuPAD is a mathematical expert system for doing symbolic and exact algebraic computations as well as numerical calculations with almost arbitrary accuracy. For example, the number of significant digits can be chosen freely. Apart from a vast variety of mathematical libraries the system provides tools for high quality visualization of 2- and 3-dimensional objects. On Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh and Linux systems, MuPAD offers a flexible notebook concept for creating mathematical documents combining texts, graphics, formulas, computations and mathematical visualizations and animations. On Microsoft Windows MuPAD further supports the technologies OLE, ActiveX Automation, DCOM, RTF and HTML. Thus it offers a natural integration in Office applications like Word or PowerPoint as well as others.

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Scilab Image Processing Toolbox

SIP provides image processing, pattern recognition, and computer vision routines for SciLab, a Matlab-like matrix-oriented programming environment. SIP is able to read/write images in almost 90 major formats, including JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, FITS, and TIFF. It includes routines for filtering, segmentation, edge detection, morphology, curvature, fractal dimension, distance transforms, multiscale skeletons, and more.

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ShearLab 3D

ShearLab 3D is a MATLAB Library, developed for processing two- and three-dimensional signals using a certain class of basis functions named shearlets. These functions were developed with the goal of constructing systems of basis-functions nicely suited for representing anisotropic features (e.g. curvilinear singularities) that often are present in multivariate data. ShearLab 3D is optimized for GPU computing with CUDA and contains examples for applications like image and video denoising or image and video inpainting.

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