Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

3 Search Results


PLTMG is a package for solving elliptic partial differential equations in general regions of the plane. It is based on continuous piecewise linear triangular finite elements, and features adaptive local mesh refinement, multigraph iteration, and pseudo-arclength continuation options for parameter dependencies. It also provides options for solving several classes of optimal control and obstacle problems. The package includes an initial mesh generator and several graphics packages. Support for the Bank-Holst parallel adaptive meshing strategy is also provided. PLTMG is provided as Fortran (and a little C) source code, in both single and double precision versions. The code has interfaces to X-Windows, MPI, and Michael Holst's OpenGL image viewer SG. The X-Windows, MPI, and SG interfaces require libraries that are NOT provided as part of the PLTMG package.

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STATGRAPHICS Online is a statistical package that runs within a web browser. You can enter data directly into the data editor or read data from text files, Excel files, or other common formats. The calculations are performed remotely on a web server and the results returned to your browser as HTML with imbedded graphics images.

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SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations on high performance machines. The library is written in C and is callable from either C or Fortran. The library routines will perform an LU decomposition with partial pivoting and triangular system solves through forward and back substitution. The LU factorization routines can handle non-square matrices but the triangular solves are performed only for square matrices. The matrix columns may be preordered (before factorization) either through library or user supplied routines. This preordering for sparsity is completely separate from the factorization. Working precision iterative refinement subroutines are provided for improved backward stability. Routines are also provided to equilibrate the system, estimate the condition number, calculate the relative backward error, and estimate error bounds for the refined solutions.

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