Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

4 Search Results


Eviews supports general statistical analysis and econometric analyses (cross-section, panel data analysis, time series estimation and forecasting). It combines spreadsheet and relational database technology with the traditional tasks found in statistical software. Among its numerous data formats are Excel, databases, PSPP/SPSS, DAP/SAS, Stata, RATS, and TSP. Compatible: numerous formats, including databank format, Excel formats, PSPP/SPSS, DAP/SAS, Stata, RATS, and TSP

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KnotPlot is a program to visualize and manipulate knots in three and four dimensions. Knots can be loaded from a database of almost 1000 knots and links or sketched by hand in three dimensions. Also, knots may be constructed via the Conway notation or using a tangle calculator. A number of special knot types (torus knots, knot chains, Lissajous knots) may be created on the fly. Finally, new knots can be created from old knots using a number of transformations.

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The rbMIT © MIT software package implements in Matlab® all the general reduced basis algorithms. The rbMIT © MIT software package is intended to serve both (as Matlab® source) "Developers" — numerical analysts and computational tool-builders — who wish to further develop the methodology, and (as Matlab® "executables") "Users" — computational engineers and educators — who wish to rapidly apply the methodology to new applications. The rbMIT software package was awarded with the Springer Computational Science and Engineering Prize in 2009.

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SOFA - Statistics Open For All The user-friendly, open-source statistics, analysis, and reporting package.

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