Scilab is a numerical computation system similiar to Matlab or Simulink. Scilab includes hundreds of mathematical functions, and programs from various languages (such as C or Fortran) can be added interactively. It has sophisticated data structures (including lists, polynomials, rational functions, and linear systems), an interpreter, and a high-level programming language. Scilab has been designed to be an open system where the user can define new data types and operations on these data types by using overloading. A number of toolboxes are available with the system.
Ricardo Fabbri

Aims and scope
Mathematical Classification
- animation
- approximation
- Bezout equation
- Cauchy integral
- Cholesky factorization
- DAE solvers
- degree of polynomial matrices
- determinant of polynomial matrix
- determinants
- differentiable and non-differentiable optimization
- differential equation solver
- diophantine equations
- eigen-projection
- Fourier transform
- full rank factorization
- graphics
- graphs
- Hessenberg form
- Hilbert transform
- interpolation
- inverse of polynomial matrices
- inversion of matrices
- Jacobi 's elliptic function
- Karmarkar algorithm
- Leverrier's algorithm
- linear algebra
- linear quadratic programming solver
- LU factors of Gaussian elimination
- Lyapunov equation
- Markovian representation
- matrices
- matrix
- minimal factors
- networks
- non-linear optimization routine
- numerical computations
- numerical gradient estimation
- numeric real factorization
- ODE solver
- orthogonal basis
- parallel computations
- polynomial division
- polynomials
- process signals
- rank
- rational functions
- rational matrix derivative
- Remez's algorithm
- roots of polynomials
- Routh's table
- signal processing
- sparse Cholesky factorization
- sparse Cholesky solver
- sparse LU factorization
- sparse matrices
- statistics
- subspace intersection
- sum of subspaces
- Sylvester matrix
- triangularization of polynomial matrix
- visualization