The FLASH code is a modular, adaptive, parallel simulation code capable of handling general compressible flow problems in astrophysical environments. It has been designed to allow users to configure initial and boundary conditions, change algorithms, and add new physical effects with minimal effort. It uses the PARAMESH library to manage a block-structured adaptive grid, placing resolution elements only where they are needed most. It uses the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) library to achieve portability and scalability on a variety of different message-passing parallel computers.

Aims and scope
Mathematical Classification
- advection problem
- alpha-chain model
- astrophysics
- Brio-Wu MHD shock tube problem
- compositions
- computational physics
- constant resistivity
- cooling
- cosmology
- fuel plus ash mixture
- gaussian heating
- gravity
- gravity problems
- heating
- homologous dust collapse problem
- Huang-Greengard Poisson problem
- hydrodynamic problems
- ionization
- isentropic vortex problem
- Jeans instability problem
- Kurganov hydrodynamics
- magnetic resistivity and viscosity
- magnetohydrodynamics
- mesh geometry
- minimal seven-isotope alpha-chain model (iso7)
- Multi-ion plasma composition
- mutlifluids
- Nineteen-isotope alpha-chain model (aprox19)
- non-equilibrium ionization problem
- nuclear burning
- odd-even decoupling problem
- Orszag-Tang MHD vortex problem
- particle problems
- particles
- piecewise-parabolic method
- proton-electron plasma composition
- proton network model (ppcno)
- radiative losses from an optically thin plasma
- relativistic hydrodynamics
- Sedov explosion problem
- Shu-Osher problem
- simulation
- sod shock-tube problem
- Spitzer resistivity
- Spitzer thermal conductivity
- Spitzer viscosity
- static heating
- stellar thermal conductivity
- stirring
- thermal conductivity
- thirteen-isotope alpha-chain model (aprox13)
- two-particle orbit problem
- viscosity
- visualization
- Woodward-Colella interacting blast-wave problem
- Zel'dovich pancake problem