Oberwolfach References on Mathematical Software

3 Search Results


Convex is a Maple package for convex geometry. It can deal with rational polytopes, cones and other polyhedra of arbitrary dimension. Polyhedral complexes and fans are also supported, as well as computations in face lattices. The integration into Maple makes Convex particularly suited for "applied" problems where polyhedra arise together with other mathematical structures.

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Steenrod is a Maple package for doing computations in the mod 2 Steenrod algebra. It computes the product and coproduct of elements, converts between various bases, computes the action of the elements on polynomials, and does several other specialized calculations related to the mod 2 Steenrod algebra.

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Sums over integral points of a polygon

Maple program for computing the sum of values of a polynomial function over the set of integral points of a polygon and the corresponding weighted Ehrhart quasi-polynomial.

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